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6 months ago

Vengeance is just but a word, a title , an aggression that subdues most human maybe even gods,maybe it's a creature that just larks in the conners waiting for the right moment to pop out and perform it's task and if so it's a very aggressive entity. ENTITIES;According to the natural order of things , there is just as much evil in the world as is good. So I do quite believe in the existence of supernatural beings that have the ability to shape destiny ,control mood and so on , for it is no lie that no man has free will...free will is just but a thought , it is non existent. If free will is non existent, so I guess it means that everything we do, say ,chose or even think of is barked by an entity. All of these emotions are spirits that we summon by just speaking of them or talking in a line that calls upon them .This makes me think, what does there presence mean ,what do they want in return and what is there endgame ????